Marketing Monday: Epicene, Third-Person Singular Pronoun

I do so enjoy people getting het up about grammar.

This video covers a topic that I find interesting and have never thought about quite in this way. Many languages have gender-neutral third-person pronouns, but English is often thought not to be one of them. That thinking is wrong, and Colonel Sanders' grumpy brother here is about to school you.

If you want more, you can find his grumpy language blog here. A choice quote from a recent post: "I’ll take pie rather than cake, gin rather than vodka in my martini, and silence rather than noise about pet peeves." (I'm definitely with him on the gin, and I suppose we did serve pie in lieu of cake at my wedding.)

Get assimilated.

Friday Find: Georgian Dance

No, the other Georgia.

A friend of mine shared the first video below on Facebook, and someone shared the next impressive video in the comments, and that was all it took for me to fall down an internet rabbithole of Georgian dance. There are apparently many different kinds, but I found this one particualrly mesmerizing, jaw-dropping, acrobatic, beautiful, and fun.

May we all aspire to such confidence and joy. Well done, tiny sirs.

The way they turn their heads! I could watch forever.

Marketing Monday: What Do Copywriters Even Do, Part 2

This infographic was shared with me on Twitter last week (thanks, Leah!), and I love it.

A while back I talked about what copywriters actually do. Today I'm talking about it again! This infographic captures so well A) how and why I'm not Peggy Olson, 2) that I don't do anything with copyrighting, and D) why my business is more than just words.

Some favorite highlights include jaw-dropping stats on why content is important, the importance of data, and how digital copywriters are both left-brained and right-brained thinkers.

Image from the inforgraphic, via

Image from the inforgraphic, via

Copywriters are also often their own editors, and thus it is my obligation to warn you of a couple of typos in this infographic. We all have our flaws, though.