AcKnowledge Regulatory Strategies was a regulatory affairs consulting firm that helped its clients get their medical devices to market via the FDA.

I launched their flagship series, Med Device Monday, an industry benchmark blog highlighting fascinating medical devices, common issues and trends in the industry, and making the “scary” FDA approachable through a unique, warm voice. It was a hallmark of the brand and brought in new clients like you wouldn’t believe.

That brand is part of what helped the owner eventually sell the company!

Samples of Twitter and blog content are below.

Medical devices can be complicated. It helps to start with the problem and pivot to the solution the device provides, like in this post about a device to treat cluster headaches:

acknowledge regulatory strategies blog

Preview of another post taking a similar approach:

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This blog post capitalized on a relevant social media post that was making the rounds. It dovetailed nicely with our Med Device Monday feature. Click through to see the whole post, but here's a taste:

This post is another favorite: we were able to produce a comprehensive post about a new medical device that tied in nicely to a recent longform post, despite the manufacturer not revealing much information about the device: