I often take a bit of a break after my big gift guide goes live in early November. And I did! Then I wrote another gift guide, for rowers! In between, I was busy working, living, and training for my very first real regatta. I could not have asked for a better first regatta, and not just because I brought home silver and gold. The weather was perfect, spirits were high, everything ran smoothly, WE HIT NO TRAFFIC DRIVING TO OR FROM L.A.
Needless to say, I'm still riding that high.
Let's keep it going by dipping our toes back in with the Friday Find! Specifically, a holiday Friday Find. Please enjoy one of my favorite videos. There is one small moment of language so maybe don't watch it at work, but I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. It is now ten years old, and every year I watch it a line hits me a different way. It reminds me of Boston and so many wonderful things I love about it.
If it says tree on it, that means it's decorations. It needs to come down.
Make it nice around the tree!
Awwiiiight! Lookit the tree!
Go turn on the tree!
Who wants Bailey's?
Bye tree! It's cold.