Today I'm digging this article from Hootsuite, on how not to bore your readers.
Frankly, I think not boring your readers is a large combination of smarts, current marketing wisdom, and that just-right mix of magic and mojo that's hard to put a finger on. One thing I really like about this article is that it goes into Twitter analytics a bit. I'm a big fan of analytics. Huge. Numbers tell stories we'd be foolish to ignore.
If you're not paying attention to your Twitter analytics, get on that.
From your home page, click on your avatar in the upper right corner. Scroll down and click on analytics.
Woo! Look at all that data. Hootsuite advises in this article (and I tend to agree) that your engagement rate can give you a good snapshot of where you are. They describe the engagement rate as "a number calculated based on the number of impressions (i.e. how many people saw the Tweet) and the number of engagements (link clicks, favorites, retweets, etc.) with your Tweets. Obviously, the higher the engagement rate, the better you’re doing." Access the engagement rate from the analytics, by going to the "Tweets" tab at the top of the page. Once you're on the "Tweets" page in analytics, the engagements metric is to the right, and looks like this:
Screenshot from
On that same page, you can click on 'Top Tweets' to see which of your tweets got the most engagement. The results just might surprise you.
There are some other gems in this article, but it's a good opportunity to walk you through how to use Twitter analytics. Twitter is a good platform to experiment a bit, depending on your brand and your voice, and being able to see the results of those experiments are what make it worth it. Again, you might be surprised by what your top tweets are: they aren't always the ones that you get you the most RTs or replies.